Your best trip yet,
and it's almost free!

Save money on your next booking
by sharing your home on while you are away.

Book a trip
in a few clicks

Live wherever you like
Choose a destination

Be it for holidays or a business trip, you'll find the perfect place for your need.

Tell us when

For a week-end, a week or more, travel anywhere, anytime with Leavy!

Choose a place to stay

With thousands of rooms available every day, there's bound to be one that suits you best.

Enjoy your trip!

Your trip is booked, so relax and enjoy!

We welcome travelers

A Host-on-Demand is in charge of hosting travelers, explaining your house rules and recommending local tips.

Return relaxed

A Host-on-Demand ensures that you get your home back in the state you left it with us.

Travel is for everybody

Digital nomad, globe trotter or city explorer... Travel anywhere, anytime with Leavy!

From 2 days

Whether your property is rented or not while you are away, we will pay you the agreed amount.

Zero Effort

We make all the efforts to ensure that nothing happens to your favorite home.

We accept everybody

Yes, even your tiny apartment on the 8th floor with no elevator.

Safe & Secure

Our Host-on-Demand are freelancers who we select with high standards to make sure your home is well taken care of.

Free as a bird with Leavy
+150 000
+12M €
paid to our users

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On average, our users rate us:
Happy Leaver, London
« I have already referred to a couple of people! One of my friends was considering doing Airbnb, but he opted for Leavy in the end which was quite beneficial for him »
Happy Leaver, Rome
« Leavy allows me to maintain a foothold in Rome, it helps me move around without being tied down. »

Approved by our community

Become a Happy Leaver

Share your place and get a new one!

Receive my payout now!

Still got questions?

How will my home be maintained?

Initially a Host-on-Demand is associated with a Happy Leaver. This person will be responsible for welcoming travelers to your home during your absence and will be your main contact. Leavy will however supervise the whole process and will remain available to help and/or support if necessary.

Do I earn my guaranteed income even if no one books my property while I'm away?

Yes you will receive a guaranteed income, whether your home is booked or not.

Is my accommodation insured?

Two insurances cover your property: - The insurance of the short-term rental platforms we use if the damage is caused by guests. - Your own insurance if the damage is related to the wear and tear of your home (for example: water leakage, boiler problems, etc.). Leavy is not responsible for any additional costs related to the guests' stay in your home, such as internet, heating or water costs. Fortunately, damage is very rare because we have a strict control policy. Despite this, like all real estate, your home may show signs of wear over time. After the departure of our travelers, we check your accommodation for any damage of any kind. In case of damage, we take photos and submit a refund request on the platform on which the reservation was made.

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